Simple, secure, and contactless payment management for veterinary practices.

Start Now for $75/month

Seamless Setup

Getting started with VetPay Online gives your team the tools they need to create and send requests for payment in seconds. No matter your current setup - practice management software or paperwork based with a client list, import your current client contact information and use our search feature to automate most of the invoice process.

Contactless Service

Managing invoices is easy from our invoice ledger where you can see when and how you've contacted clients. Our Notification options allow you to send text, email, or both and the payment window makes helping people over the phone simple and streamlined.

Improved Workflow

Closing at the end of the day is as flexible as your team is! Simply note the time of closing from the day prior and choose the time you're closing day-of. You can also sort the dashboard view for ease of finding unpaid invoices and much, much more.